JOpt.J2EE is a tour optimization component that uses specialized memetic algorithms to calculate an optimized allocation of orders and STOPS to mobile resources. The Algorithm not only provides tours at minimum costs but also considers an arbitrary set of constraints for each tour. You may define your own constraints and optimization goals in order to customize JOpt.J2EE to your specific planning needs or you decide to use one of our best practices addons in order to achieve a fast application of our optimization algorithms in selected industries.
# tour optimization component for solving various planning problems
# flexible memetic algorithms for quick adoption to your specific needs
# available Best Practices addons for different industries
# fully J2EE compliant component for quick and easy deployment
# seamless integration with enterprise service architectures throughout standard SOAP Interfaces
# unlimited number of vehicles and stops
# scalable up to nearly any performance and availability requirements
# allows for multiple time constraints at tour stops
# includes driver working times and working time rules
# includes load Capacity for each vehicle
# allows prescribed itinerary (e.g. pick up & devlivery)
# supports vehicle types and equipments
# includes driver's attributes or skills
# plans closed and open routes
# automatically determines overnight stays for long routes/ long servicetimes